
Chopin Fantaisie-Impromptu Op.66 P. Barton, FEURICH piano

This upload is in reply to a viewer’s request for a new recording of this work on my FEURICH grand piano.

Patreon link for viewers that kindly asked to participate in supporting this channel: http://www.patreon.com/paulbarton

This recording was made with the harmonic pedal only, alternating between resonance half position in the relatively quiet and quick parts and sustain position in the loud and quick parts. The sustain position of the harmonic pedal was used throughout the the slow middle section.

The resonance half position of the harmonic pedal allows a type controllable reverberation which can unify passages which could otherwise run the risk of blurring with the traditional sustain pedal.

To know more about the new 4th harmonic pedal please visit our harmonic piano pedal channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Harmonicpianopedal



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