
Darko Žuk – R. Wagner – Piano Sonata in A flat, WWV 85

Composition by R. Wagner and F. Liszt
Piano: Darko Žuk
Video, audio and editing: Tina Kadoić & Tomislav Tukša

Filmed in the Mimara museum, Zagreb, Croatia

Videography info: t.tuksa@gmail.com, tinakadoic.yt@gmail.com
Contact Mr. Darko Žuk: darkozuk@gmail.com

Music by Richard Wagner, adapted by Franz Liszt.
We own all the rights to distribute this recording. The music is original score by F. Liszt and R. Wagner and belongs to public domain.

The video and audio was recorded by Tina Kadoić and Tomislav Tukša. All rights belong to Darko Žuk, Tina Kadoić and Tomislav Tukša. The music is royalty free since the scores used are original Wagner / Liszt scores.



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